Game Informations
Lost at Birth will tell the story of a rather ordinary guy. Stable job, nice house, comfortable routine, married, with no kids… that he knows of. In short, his life is pleasantly boring. To spice things up he has some fun on the side that his wife doesn’t need to know about. Then things turn upside-down when a young woman comes into his life…with a birth certificate.
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How to install?
- Extract and run.
System Requirements:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 3.44 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Lost at Birth – Ongoing – Version Ch. 7 CE Steam Download Links
Windows Fileknot Files Gofile Mediafire Mega Mixdrop Pixeldrain
Android APK Fileknot (Ch. 5) Gofile (Ch. 5) Mega (Ch. 5) Mixdrop (Ch. 5) Uploadhaven (Ch. 5)
Mac OS Fileknot Files Gofile Mediafire Mega Mixdrop Pixeldrain
Linux Fileknot Files Gofile Mediafire Mega Mixdrop Pixeldrain