Takayuki Yamano is a boy who simply wishes to break away from his family’s...
Sivir’s Hot Delivery is a light story about a cute delivery girl doing her...
It’s Date Night, and you’ve been looking forward to today all week. Finally you ...
Annie is once again going to meet her friend Cindy. It’s a beautiful summer day,...
Nekofuku Shrine is a small shrine located in a corner of Akihabara. It is dedica...
Yuu was raised in order to become a fighter and has a lot of in-laws due to his ...
“Ngh…?”Someone’s got their hand on my package.And I̵...
Sailin’ the high seas, pirate captain Aves and ‘is crew are in const...
Kaoru was a stalwart young man dedicated to zest, justice, passion and awesomene...
Samurai was the top of the world.When Samurai lost their power, Ninjas took thei...
A guy enrolls in a gym with very particular forms of training, rewards and punis...
Life is pretty good when you get assigned to manage the careers of two superstar...