In Pacify, you will be running for your life around the narrow corridors of a dark, old house. There is a little girl that switches between good and evil roaming around. Different circumstances can cause her to change. Once the evil takes over, it will chase you and your friends all over the house. You must find a way to Pacify evil and escape the house. As the game progresses, the evil gets smarter and faster.
Read the notes for clues about Pacifying the girl. Find and use keys, dolls, wood, and matches to help you on your way. The girl can hear and see you. Stay out of sight, and stay as quiet as possible. Try different types of strategies to win. You just signed on with PAH Inc. Paranormal Activity Helpers Incorporated, yeah sounds corny, but the pay is great. They said you won’t ever be in any real danger, and they have tons of work right now. Your first job is at some old haunted house. There is a broker wanting to put the house for sale, but with everyone in the town spreading rumors of evil living inside the house, he needs some proof that it is safe. He actually seems creeped out himself. Anyway, he hired PAH Inc.
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