You were excited at first, when you and your sister Haley found entry jobs at the same company and living together will certainly reduce the cost of moving to the city. She’s your twin, and only two hours older than you and to her, that’s enough to always break your balls but she’s always been there for you. So, how much can you really complain. The basic premise of the game is this. You just finished college and started a entry level job alongside Haley. As you progress through the story, different choices will be presented to you which will impact the course of the story as well as the ending.
Perverteer just started on a new VN, a science-fiction story, called Tales From The Unending Void. Here you play as Camran, a young minor noble from the Sovereignty, a part of space dominated by humans. Erstwhile cadet of the Terran Naval Academy, Cam has been forced by circumstances to travel the galaxy. Haley’s Story [v0.97] [Viitgames] – Free Download at FAP-Nation | Free 3D Adult Games.
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