There are, right now, over 30 commodities you can mine, transport, and manufacture. If you want to get clothes you will first need to get resources to create a fabric, then you will need a clothing factory where the clothes will be manufactured from this fabric. You can then transport the finished clothes into shops where your citizens can buy them. Every commodity has a specific requirement, so if you would like to load oil into the tank train-car you will need a special pumping loading station. If you need to load gravel into a dumper truck you need a special loading station where the gravel comes from conveyors into the truck.
Also, to have happy workers you need places where they can spend their leisure time – cinema, playgrounds, taverns, etc. Every worker has an education level. They can go to school or college to improve this level. Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Free Download PC Game If their education is too low they cannot work; if their education is high enough they can be a teacher, or researcher, or work in factories with special requirements.
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