“Time of Pariah” is an interactive story. The game is primarily text-based, but with lots of illustrations (essentially a visual novel in a non-standardised setting).
On the continent of Erteon, the endless war rages between Kradzhan – an alliance of three beastly kingdoms – and Dominion of the Horned Ones.
Seihal is a port city of Kradzhan, steeped in corruption and crime. Wealthy aristocrats, commanding squads of well-armed mercenaries, wield the ultimate power here.
Hidu is a mercenary. He once deserted the army, escaping death. He managed to blend into this colorful cauldron of the criminal world, where a precarious balance between different factions has somehow been maintained in recent years.
But now, this delicate balance is under threat: one by one, the enforcers of the Black Horn – a criminal authority for whom Hidu works – are disappearing.
Hidu must get to the bottom of these events. And perhaps even play a pivotal role in them, for a great storm is brewing…