Auto-Sidescroller game by T-Hoodie.

- For windows PC downloaders: Unpack the .RAR file, and run Max_The_Elf_DEMO. If it doesn't start up, try checking your firewall, or run as administrator, it might be getting blocked. Use 7zip, Winzip or Winrar to unpack .RAR files.
- FOR MAC OS downloaders: I packed it as a .RAR file! On Macs some unzippers can corrupt the files, We've tested unpacking with "StuffIt" and it worked. If you need a different one, try: This one should be official but we haven't tried it!
- If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try this:
- Q: How do I resize the game window? Sorry, but the game is forced to launch at 1280 x 720. If you want to make the game bigger: On windows: If you make a shortcut for "Max_The_Elf_DEMO", then go to properties of the shortcut, and add " -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1 " to the [target/destination (translated from dutch)] property, it will launch with those settings! Image preview:
- Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
- Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
- 442.82 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).
Fileknot Transfaze
Fileknot (New phones v5.02) Transfaze (New phones v5.02)
Fileknot (Old phones v5.02) Transfaze (Old phones v5.02)
Fileknot Transfaze
Windows Gofile Mega Mixdrop Pixeldrain Workupload