Global Farmer Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Global Farmer. You know how Microsoft Flight Simulator uses real-world map data to let you fly anywhere you want in the entire world? Well, what if a farming game did that, but instead of flying over the map you could grow asparagus on it? Huh? What if? Okay, maybe Global Farmer doesn’t pack the same thrill as a flight sim that simulates the entire planet, and as you’re about to find out, it’s nowhere near as pretty. But it’s still kind of a cool concept. Is there a park in your neighborhood? You can load it up in the game and grow onions all over it. That’s a thing you can do. I personally had loftier aspirations in Global Farmer than turning the old baseball field at the end of my block into a zucchini patch. My first thought was actually to turn The White House lawn into a peanut farm, in tribute to our 100-year-old former president Jimmy Carter. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get Washington DC to load into Global Farmer, perhaps due to the huge amount of parks and green spaces (over 3000, apparently) that the game has to convert into simulated farmland. I also tried Stonehenge, but when I loaded it up it didn’t even show those big-ass rocks (some call them stones) that make Stonehenge one of the world’s top 50 henges.
My first task is to build an actual farmhouse, which I discover I can’t actually do on Liberty Island for reasons I don’t quite get. I look for a suitable spot on the coastline of New Jersey, though I can’t find a good spot in Flag Plaza, or along Freedom Way… jeez, we really laid it on thick when naming stuff around here, huh? I finally find a spare lot to build on, which Google Maps informs me is the location of the less-than patriotic sounding Sysco Metro New York Food Distributor & Restaurant Supplies. It’s actually pretty fun how Global Farmer breaks down every bit of green on the map into a separate little potential field. Scouting for where to plant my first field on the island, I find a little tiny grassy area next to a building, and check it out on Google Maps. It’s just… a little grassy area next to a building. But the game will let me grow crops on it. Cool. I once drove across this great country and let me tell you, its highways are lined with 75% corn and 25% cigarette butts, so it’s an easy decision as to which patriotic crop I should grow first. (Corn. If that wasn’t clear.) Unfortunately, the game’s calendar is on January, which is not exactly corn season, so I set the growing to begin in May and fast-forward.
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