Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Gold EditionFree Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Nearly 10 years ago, former Need for Speed developer Ghost Games copped a kicking for making its 2015 series reboot online-only, even in single player. In response, its 2019 follow-up Need for Speed Heat did not require a persistent online connection. Earlier this year, Ubisoft decommissioned The Crew, making it impossible for owners to play from now on even by themselves. The move wasn’t received well. This very week Ubisoft has confirmed The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest will now get offline modes. In contrast to these course corrections, Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown arrives in 2024 as another online-only racing game that seems to have little interest in being something that’s satisfying to play solo. It’s a baffling start and, despite a nice handling model and a lot of effort on display in its unique open world, it unfortunately doesn’t get any better. The original Test Drive Unlimited was a pioneer of MMO, open world racing. It was the pioneer, really, and remarkably ahead of its time. However, despite being fondly remembered for its trendsetting online philosophy, 2006’s Test Drive Unlimited still had a dedicated single-player mode (one that remains accessible and playable offline today). It simply layered its multiplayer mode over the top of it.
The always-online Solar Crown is not built like this, and it’s infinitely poorer for it. There are AI opponents, but there’s no dedicated single-player mode to speak of just a map full of events that other players may or may not hop into at the same time as you. During my time with it, prior to the standard edition release date, another player joining my race has actually been an extremely rare occurrence. But the threat of it is always there, because there’s no way to opt out. This puts Solar Crown in a very weird place. It means that, even though my experience has almost exclusively been competing solo against the AI, I’m still burdened by all the foibles of online racing. This means lobby countdowns I can’t fully skip before starting a race, even though I don’t want to wait for anyone else and wish to start by myself. It means races I can’t even pause, which is an absurd problem to have when playing entirely against AI and totally contemptuous of parents and anybody else with the audacity to ever need to… stop what they’re doing for a moment. It also means races don’t even have a simple, quick restart option; to restart you need to abandon the race entirely, re-enter the event, and sit through the same lobby period. Even when you’re the only human in an event, if there’s a connectivity issue during your race, you’ll be kicked out. If there’s a problem in free roam, you’ll be kicked out to the menu screen. Hell, if there’s some sort of server maintenance or technical snag when you boot up, you won’t be able to play at all. In my most recent session I haven’t been able to play for more than a few minutes at a time before being kicked out. Every online-only requirement feels like a punishment for playing it by yourself. You don’t want to play with other people? Too bad, you’re online anyway.
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