1000xRESIST Free Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
1000xRESIST. This is a story that traces the echoes of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution, which left a city-sized wound that hasn’t yet closed or been allowed to scar with dignity. And as much as certain audiences might want to frame 1000xResist as a neat one-dimensional exploration of queerness. There is so, so much more to it than that. There is nothing especially unique about its structure or core concept the difficult process of a character finding the man behind the curtain and I certainly would not describe it as “the first game of its kind.” What makes it so jarring and so open to these claims is the fact that it is simply not a game made for the white gaze, and I think that’s beautiful. The player (mostly) sees the world through the eyes of Watcher, one of five clones made from the ALLMOTHER. As someone who grew up watching Captain Planet every Saturday morning, it is very hard not to automatically identify Watcher as Ma-Ti, the youngest and most vulnerable of the Planeteers who mostly served as emo comic relief until the proverbial hit the fan. If you are old enough, you’ll remember that Ma-Ti deserved better, because the show did him dirty at every available opportunity. We meet Watcher just as she plunges a knife straight through the ALLMOTHER’s chest – she has inexplicably killed her god, her sun, her reason for living.
At the outset, the game uses the high school setting, a place full of angst and raw teen feelings, to lay the groundwork for the bigger picture. It’s simple, but highly effective. Iris, the ALLMOTHER-in-waiting, whatever you want to call her, isn’t just unlikeable, she’s a stone cold bitch. There’s a thin layer of schadenfreude in seeing Watcher learn this first-hand a slow, chilling dawn that sheds bleak new light on something or someone you previously thought infallible. We’ve all been there, and it’s rough. The complications here are distinctly diasporic Iris is the sole friend of Jiao, a recent Chinese arrival who latches onto her with a naive fervour.This particular narrative thread of 1000xResist isn’t Single White Female: Immigrant Story, but a thoroughly too-real exploration of cultural hegemony and its dissemination when kids are at their most volatile and vulnerable. Jiao is learning to fit in through the most straightforward mimicry, and naturally there’s a lot to find frustrating and embarrassing here, but Iris’s mother wants her daughter to do the right thing and take this awkward new girl under her wing. That Iris is cruel and dismissive isn’t a surprise this sort of dynamic is never going to go smoothly, not at this age, and most certainly not in this setting.
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