Mojito the Cat Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Mojito the Cat is a puzzle game that has you rolling your cubic kitty around the level, trying to reach the end. You need to obtain the fishbone key in order to unlock the exit, so you will have to plan your route a little instead of making a mad dash to the end. In addition to the compulsory key, there are also yarn balls to collect too, which are required to earn higher ratings on each stage. This plays into the world-unlocking mechanic that requires a combined total of twenty cubes (stars) in each world in order to unlock the next. Part of the game’s visual appeal is down to the game’s unique puzzle mechanic: most of the cubic dioramas have scenery on multiple sides that you are able to flip to by walking along certain flip blocks. It’s a little mind–bending at first as you try to navigate your way around multiple sides – especially with one earlier puzzle that requires that you walk down the thin side of the level to reach a different flip block – but it’s something that you quickly adapt to. Throw in other obstacles, such as moving platforms, collapsing bridges, blocks that switch positions when you stand on them, and you’ve got quite a dynamic puzzle stage.
In Mojito the cat you will need to visit multiple worlds as you try to collect all the skins. The puzzles will become harder as you progress through the game. Objects like breakable bridges and elevators will stand in your way but that is not all. Your goal is to collect the key and reach the ending, you will have to switch the gravity of the level multiple times. These puzzles can be brain crackers if you want all the golden cubes! What is your reward for getting the best score available you ask? When selecting a level you will be shown the minimum amount of moves to complete that level. You will also need to collect the key and the coins in the level while attempting the minimum moves. Otherwise, you will not get the best score available. If you manage to complete the level in the minimum amount of moves you will gain three golden cubes. These are needed to unlock new worlds and skins. My favorite skins are the shark and the unicorn. The shark costs coins but you can collect these in the levels while playing.
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