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The game takes place in 1909 inside Prof. Walker’s Museum of the Supernatural, an in-development museum based on supernatural themes and unusual cultures. Rupert Walker, the museum’s curator, spends most of his time locked away in his museum preparing for the grand opening. Recently, the professor has acquired a mysterious artefact for display in his exhibits, an artefact which he has obsessed over since it came into his possession. Rupert’s family is accustomed to his odd behaviour, but an unusually long period of silence from
your uncle has prompted you to investigate on the family’s behalf. You arrive on foot to an old building in the middle of rural central England. The building is in disrepair, artefacts and props are strewn around the exterior. The doors are boarded up and there is no sign of life inside the museum. You must find a way inside the old building so that you may locate your uncle, and uncover the mystery of the strange artefact.
There are quite a few things I liked about this one and overall it’s a solid effort with some cool ideas. Setting it in a museum is a good start, and some of the areas have a very believable, real look to them. I’m always a fan of setting-based horror games and this one uses that well. It has some effective creepy atmosphere and sound, and some of the puzzles were fun to solve, if a little easy. And I don’t say that to boast. I’m a terrible puzzle-solver in games who frequently needs a guide, but this one didn’t stump me at all.
But, sadly, the shortcomings just kept it from working for me. The one monster, while creepy, was dumb and non-threatening, easy to escape or just glitch out entirely. An obvious setup for a chase scene had me just walking right in front of it with no reaction, as the detection radius seems to actually be very small. The moments where I was tense that I had almost been seen, I probably wasn’t close at all. That along with some irritating physics puzzles that can glitch out
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