Welcome to Elk Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Welcome to Elk, an adventure game set on a fictional island stitched together with true stories and tall tales, and inhabited by the people who lived them. Story You play as Frigg, a young carpenter trading their busy life in the city for an apprenticeship in a small town. When she arrives in Elk, Frigg worries that the slower pace of life will be boring
(they don’t even have the internet), but quickly discovers nothing could be further from the truth! Tragic stories told with love and sometimes humour The stories reflect the drama of our lives, on Elk it’s known that humour, love and death go hand in hand. Life may seem hard sometimes, but it is always followed by laughter.
We value the importance of storytellers, those who carry the tales of others and share them. That’s why, in Elk, you will also meet the living storytellers who inspired us to make this game. How we used true stories in the game? True stories? how to use a true story in an ethical way? This is how we have dealt with it in Welcome to The stories in Welcome to Elk, are told by the people who we know and/or were there when the events took place. All are told from memory. The way they are used both on our webpage and in the game is
true to the core story but everything like names, locations and other details are changed, renamed and often re-framed to protect the real people behind them, therefore, we call them tall tales. The stories are not one to one like you would experience in true crime for example. They are rewritten and combined to one linear narrative. Characters may play a role in one story where they where not a part of originally and only us who designed it will ever know – or come close to the real truth of the stories.
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