GyroBlade Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
This is an excellent retro shooter that totally deserves more attention. Fans of Tiger-Heli and Twin Cobra should feel right at home. Tight and responsive controls, solid retro graphics, BGM sounds like right out of the NES. Fans of #shmups should find it enjoyable and moderately difficult.
I like shooters but hate bullet hell, and this seems to fit somewhere in between. It’s a slow-paced retro shooter that gets a bit more difficult as you go along, providing moderate challenge.. and maybe that’s its charm? The developer has spent next to nothing on bringing awareness to this fun little game (not sure if the language was a factor). Still, a small game worth playing.
It’s mechanically barren. You move your helicopter and you shoot. Every level seems to have 3 helicopter enemies that drop a power up. This power up will rotate between green and orange. Green is a more focused and powerful straight shot while orange is a spread out wide shot. You can power these up 5 times by collecting more power ups without dying. Due to this, the game does have a bit of a gradius syndrome where the game gets harder when you die. This is mostly because enemies are somewhat tanky in this game, so without a powered up weapon, it’s hard to clear the screen of enemies and you have to do more dodging.
Scoring is about as basic as they come in shmups. You gain score from killing enemies and picking up “P” stars, which are worth 1000 points each at the end of the level. When you lose all your lives and you use a credit, your score resets to 0. That’s it. To high score you want to kill as many enemies as possible, pick up as many stars as possible, and not die.
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