Tokyo Necro Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Tokyo has become a snow-covered wasteland where the dead walk among the living. But in this frozen hellscape people have survived, protected by the guns and cybernetics enhancements of the Living Dead Stalkers. Developed by Nitro Origin, creators of Song of Saya and Full Metal Daemon Muramasa, Tokyo NECRO dives into the cyberpunk genre and sets a new standard for action visual novels – with fully animated fight scenes and an interactive display where you can see every action your character takes through their own eyes!
In the future, the world has been engulfed in the bitter cold of an ice age. And yet, Tokyo is surviving with its use of geothermal heat pipes to keep the city habitable. Within this frozen city, So’un and Ethica make their living working for the Karasuzumi Living Dead Stalker Office; contract killers who spend their working days executing necromancers and their undead minions. On one such mission, they discover a mysterious girl who had been kidnapped by a necromancer for reasons unknown.
I implore anyone that genuinely wants to read this visual novel to go over to JAST’s website (the publisher) and buy it there. The steam version is not only butchered of a lot of important scenes and content but it’s also bereft of the option to even see the 18+ elements in the game. This isn’t just minor things like “you don’t see the characters bang” it’s the fact that whole fight scenes and important exposition is left out to dry and only accessible in the menu, leaving you to wonder where it was even mentioned in the first place.
I understand JAST has had troubles with Steam guidelines before when they tried to release Fullmetal Daemon: Muramasa onto the site with it’s violence and h-scenes. But the fact that they had to effectively gut out Tokyo Necro like a fish means you’d be playing half of a VN for the full price. I would not recommend this version but putting a positive recommendation might mean more people wanting to buy the game will see this
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