Tattletail Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Purchase Tattletail and get The Kaleidoscope Expansion DLC for free! The Kaleidoscope is a whole new campaign that unlocks after you complete the original game. It tells a very different story about the events of Christmas 1998, starring a strange green-eyed Tattletail. New nights, new scares, and mysterious consequences. Who remembers Talking Tattletail? It was SO creepy, right?? There’s not much reference online but the original version, Mama Tattletail, was recalled years earlier… and I’m pretty 90’s Virtual Pet Horror Tattletail is a short,
story-driven first person horror game about everyone’s favorite talking toy from the 90’s. You opened your Tattletail before Christmas, and now he won’t stay in his box. Can you keep him out of trouble until Christmas day? Or will Mama Tattletail find her baby and hunt you down first? Obey Tattletail’s mischevious demands. Feed, Brush, and Recharge Tattletail… or he’ll never shut up. Shake your flashlight to charge it… but be careful. Someone might hear. Do not wake up Mama Tattletail
I remember playing this 6 Years ago on my other steam account and it was pretty much the first horror game I played besides for briefly booting up Slender Man. Even though back then I was an absolute scaredy cat I have fond memories of having a really fun time playing this game! This game was a great intro for me to horror games as it kept me on edge but was just enough for me to be able to handle it. I would heavily recommend trying this out even if you think horror games aren’t your type of game. This game is well written and has a lot of story, or at least,
enough to keep you entertained. I really wish they made more tattletail games because this was an amazing 3 hour experience for me and I hope everyone else that has played agrees. This game is great the design of each character,the map,the textures even the menu screen are all great the game has a likeable character called tattletail you have to survive against a protagonist called mama tattletail there are 7 levels each one is unique and doesn’t repeat the same concept over and over again like other horror games do.The game doesn’t feel like a quick cashgrab.
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