Goblins of Elderstone Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Goblins of Elderstone brings a unique and chaotic twist to the city-building genre – it’s a Goblin Tribe Simulator! Build gobly houses, manage your resources, defend your goblins and grow your tribe to face other races and even the gods! Mine stones, gather sticks, and collect berries – you must start your gobly empire somewhere! Defend your village against the monsters trying to destroy you and your Goblins’ hard work!
Worship Gods to get various benefits, but be careful: if your Goblins’ faith gets too low, the Gods may get angry and punish you instead! Keep your clan happy! Be careful to not let your mood meter drop too low – it might come with really bad side effects! Explore the surrounding areas to trade with other cities, pillage other regions or send your Goblins to explore holy sites and gain the favor of your gods!
As of 6.6, I can’t recommend buying this game in its current state for $24.99. There is some really fun elements to enjoy but the bugs have the potential to ruin your game. My goblins get stuck at the fireplace (where you can send them to become unstuck) and they just starve or freeze or become unclickable. Aside from the crashes which is understandable as this is still alpha, this game has some great potential as a city/sandbox. I havent gotten to the point to lead raids or anything due to crashes and goblins gettins stuck, but I will keep trying and will update this as improvements are made. you can’t just build up exponentially indefinitely you have to actually
care for the gobbo’s you have, if you expand too quickly you won’t have enough wood or food for everyone in winter and have to make tough decisions on who gets those life saving provisions. Also cute goblins are cute, the random events are definitely my favourite part. In my gameplay I had to make a political decision on if trespassing was an executable crime, reluctantly I agreed it was to keep my relations with my neighbours good, the game then gave me an option at a random event to execute a trespasser, very immersive 5 Stars.
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