Halves Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Halves is an adventure game that every level have different mechanics. You can be an entire level killing zombies, solving puzzles, jumping in platform sections or even exploring a scary mansion… At the end of almost every level you will have to make a decision that will change the next level you will play.
Each time you start the game it can be completely different from the previous one depending on what you decide. Every level try to be completly different in mechanics, you can be driving around with a van being careful with your hunger and fuel or being killing zombies and searching for ammo and health kits, for example.
Most of my fighting was against raiders and super mutants. The mutants aren’t these terrifying monstrosities from the old days, no – they’re essentially orcs/trolls. A bit tougher, using heavier weapons, often preferring melee combat… but that’s about it. I did get Fat Man’d once or twice, or shredded by minigun fire. And considering I played on survival, not only the damage I took was high, but also saving was limited – so I had to replay some content more than I’d like. My guess is that around half of all my deaths were caused by walking into a land mine, though.
The main complaint about my “shooter exploration survival” experience would be that in the end there’s not much to find. Everything is made out of the same blocks, same pieces, same junk items, same weapons, same enemies. Occasionally you get a terminal with some story bits. Oh, and the game doesn’t really treat itself as an immersive sim – many events are scripted to pop when you’re around, with no distinction for whether you’re detected or not.
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