Remyadry Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
I have mixed feelings about this game, but clearly it’s doing something right to keep me playing for so many hours. Ultimately, what will make or break the experience for some people is the fact that battles are entirely automated (with several speeds in case you don’t care about reading the play by play) except for deciding when / if to run away. The abilities each character uses is based on what you decide to equip from their skill tree (up to 3 abilities) which the AI uses once the cooldown / charge is ready and when appropriate. Skill points are surprisingly earned through a slew of in-game achievements (sadly no Steam achievements) instead of leveling up.
That said, the main gameplay experience revolves around exploring the procedurally generated dungeons (which aren’t really memorable, but they do their job) and customizing your party’s equipment and skills. It’s satisfying and oddly addictive to see just how far you can explore and develop your team each play session (to me anyways), but I’ll say it’s also an acquired taste because of the complete lack of interactive combat.
Given I’ve played the game for a bit, the game has it’s flaws. Like others being said the combat system in this game is automated, and can really be influenced by the skills and the battle pacing set by you, in addition to whether or not you choose to escape or not.
Despite this, I strangely admire the simplicity of the game. It’s not like I enjoy mindlessly pressing battle (because in essence that’s what it is.), but rather I enjoy this game casually, like something I could just fire up and start playing out of nowhere.
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