Dracula Defense! Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Concept is good. The balance, not so much. Basically you go through a number of floors, and at the end of each floor you got two packages of boon and curses that you must pick. Except quite a lot of these simply does not match up with the curse being so much worse than the boon, so no matter how good you are if you dont get stuff that increase your damage then you’d just get squashed by sheer numbers at floor 3 or so because the enemies’ total HP are so much higher than what your available bullets could reasonably dish out. Not to mention that a significant number of the boons also comes with their own negative side effects. You get more damage, but your shots becomes half as accurate! You get a melee attack, but now you also lose 1 ranged projectile! Utterly ridiculous.
The base difficulty (rank 1) is fine. You can easily 1-to-2 shot pieces from roughly 2 tiles away. There aren’t as many non-pawn pieces (knights, bishops, rooks, queens) to start with, so you can reliably kill them one at a time without being put in checkmate. The completely RNG upgrade system wherein you get an upgrade (black card) and downgrade (white card) (note: the black cards can also hurt you and the white cards can also slightly help you) is generally fine because you do not NEED to build for extra turns and extreme damage to win the game. On the other hand…
The higher difficulties (especially rank 15) are practically nothing but RNG. No matter how how much strategy you employ, the sheer number of extra pieces and the extra HP they boast (plus the 25 extra degrees of spread on your shotgun) can make it nigh impossible to kill ANYTHING before they completely checkmate you in under 10 turns — on FLOOR ONE! Assuming you are LUCKY and the pieces start with high times (as in, aren’t all rearing to move instantly) and/or the pawns keep the non-pawns blocked in long enough
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