Layer Section & Galactic Attack S-Tribute Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Released in 1995 by Taito, Layer Section is the home console version of the arcade game RayForce, a vertical shooting game. Players control X-LAY, a mobile weapon equipped with lock-on lasers and battle against the Con-Human system for the survival of humankind. can also play Galactic Attack, the overseas release of Layer Section. Enjoy the enhanced BGM of the home console game in stereo sound in this title. The remixed main melodies are tastefully different from their arcade versions! New useful features like game rewind, slow mode,
and quick save have been added. Compare scores with others in the new online ranking mode! The game’s main feature, lock-on lasers allow you to attack enemies on the ground or in low orbit. Use your unit’s cross hairs to lock on to enemies and fire lasers at them in one fell swoop. Target up to 8 units at once. Destroy multiple enemies together for a higher score. Destroy 8 enemies at once for a 128x multiplier! Make full use of lock-on lasers to aim for higher scores!
However, the current state of this port has a lot of issues: – terrible audio stutter, music will just slow down & become distorted at times, even with v-sync on & no frame rate drops. – sound effects play repeatedly, and are sometimes delayed. This is incredibly annoying to listen to while playing and makes it pretty unbearable for people listening to the game on streams. – control feels somewhat sluggish at best. It felt very
difficult to execute many 7/8-chain strategies that I can do consistently on the original arcade version. – online ranking submission didn’t work even if the option to record your score is on. Online leaderboards are also not separated by internal/external autofire, and only include scores of their respective platform. – Only has 1 save state which is laughable. -No keyboard support, which makes no sense considering the emulator it is based on (SSF) supports keyboard mapping.
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