SGS Taipings Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
The game recreates the Taïping Rebellion of 1851-1864. it was one of the deadliest and most horrific civil war in China, costing the lives of millions. Play the Taïping rebels and their allies, fighting to create their own state, or be the Qing Emperor and crush the revolt and its foreign devils allies before it topples your dynasty.
Scenario durations last from 8 turns to over 164 turns, each representing a period of one month between April 1851 and December 1864. One player represents the Taïpings rebels and its allies, the other the Qing Empire various forces. Both have land and naval units under their command and can play some diplomatic game with foreign powers. SGS Taipings Free Download
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