Dungeons of Sundaria Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
It’s great for getting casual gamers into a decently fleshed out ARPG but its not without a few bugs. I bought a copy for myself and half a dozen others as stocking stuffers and we have played a few dungeons and just started getting into the deeper mechanics of the game. Co-op is mostly seamless. 1 player just starts a party and then invites the others. We ran into a bug with this where sometimes a co-op player would lose all
their progress from a dungeon and that was almost a deal breaker but a dev messaged back in less time than it takes to get a pizza delivered that they were working on it and how to avoid the glitch. Each player just needs to return to town via the escape menu before the host ends the session The game has just enough depth and charm to hold attention of core gamers while also being simple and streamlined enough for more casual gamers so its easy to get more people into it quickly.
Graphics aren’t ground breaking but they aren’t bad either which means this should probably run fine on older rigs even. Would love to see some more care given towards the new player experience such as some explanations of the crafting system or the bulk sell/salvage menu but you are already getting great value out of the title for it’s price point, especially if you got it 50% during the winter sale. Don’t listen to people who
say this runs well on steam deck. Upon booting the game, it defaulted to split screen with two players when it was just the steam deck controller, and split screen with 3 players when it was docked with only one controller attached. There is no way to choose the number of players manually, and there was no main menu, on booting up it just immediately throws you into character creation, none of which makes any sense even for a non steam deck compatible game.
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