Rising Front Free Download pc game in a pre-installed direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam
Rising Front is a massive WW1 shooter centered around trench warfare! It features a perfect blend of FPS, RTS and battle simulator! The goal for this game is to accurately simulate WW1 battles with hundreds or even thousands of units on the battlefield. Battle Siz This game is capable of running 1000+
units making for incredible battles never seen before in a WW1 game! Authentic WW1 tactics Highly Optimized Artillery Procedural cover system Rag-doll physics AI commanding Building system The game’s brand new and early access, so I forgive it for the few flaws that it does have. I’ll be patiently waiting for future updates, because it’s well worth the price tag.
Watched this dude make this game for two years, worth it Update: For now, just a really fun game to constantly have fights in and blow stuff up, promising future hopefully becomes one of the greats. Overall a great game. It is a little bare bones, but that’s expected since it just released today. I have high hopes for this game. Some things I would like to see added in the future is more factions, more weapons, and more maps. Definitely recommended!
Not a bad game at the moment more like one of the battle sim games and the AI commanders are pretty worthless. I pictured this game as more than it was from the tik toks i had seen. not really much to the real time building system at the moment maybe that will change in the future. Controls are a bit clunky and the command map has much to be desired but all in all a decent framework to build upon. Looking forward to where this goes and for the price it is now its not a bad time killer between tarkov raids
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