Line War Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link. Download the game
We hope that by introducing many distinct technologies to the game, players will be able to customize their armies in-game. We already see players that follow a very clear doctrine and unit composition from one match to another, almost as if the player was playing another “faction”. Imagine for such players to be able to focus research on these units to give that doctrine/playing style an even greater bonus.
Line War was created with e-sports in mind from day one. We know from experience that matches can be very interesting to watch from an observer’s perspective. The average duration of a match is approximately 35 min. A global leaderboard based on quarterly seasons is already up-n-running. We want each season to end with live-streamed finals, proposedly in a round of 32/double elimination format. We are hooking up with commentators and collaborators. Line War Free Download
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