Stacklands Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link. Download the game!
Stacklands is a village builder where you stack cards to collect food, build structures, and fight creatures. For example, dragging a ‘Villager‘ card on top of a ‘Berry Bush’ card will spawn ‘Berry’ cards that the villagers can eat to survive. Stacklands is a village builder where you stack cards to collect food, build structures, and fight creatures. For example, dragging a ‘Villager’ card on top of a ‘Berry Bush’ card will spawn ‘Berry’ cards that the villagers can eat to survive.
A Villager bumping into an evil creature will engage in an automatic battle. Fight Goblins, Bears, Rats and more! Improve your Villager’s combat abilities by giving them weapons or by making them team up against enemies. Expand your knowledge by finding Idea Cards. An Idea Card will tell you how to create new cards, for example: stack 2 Wood, 1 Stone and 1 Villager to build a House. Stacklands Free Download
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