The Occupation Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link. Download the game
Your role is to uncover evidence as a journalist by sneaking through restricted areas and questioning people on their actions through a series of one-on-one interviews. All this takes place in a detailed, systems-driven world where people will react to your actions and where time is your biggest enemy. At White Paper Games, we focus on world’s that feel lived in through non-linear spaces and objectives that can be solved with multiple approaches. We love games with a strong narrative drive that tackle important social issues and aim to set that standard within our own work.
Time is a precious resource to us all. Every minute in the game is a real-world minute and The Occupation is played over a fixed time length so make sure your actions count. Your watch can be used to set alarms and timers to help keep track of important objectives such as time delayed safes so you don’t have to hang around whilst security is searching for you somewhere you shouldn’t be. The Occupation Free Download
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