In a post-apocalyptic wasteland of diesel and dust, bandits and mobsters rule the last remaining cities, controlling all vital trade routes and destroying any hope of a return to a lawful world. It’s up to you, as the driver of a heavy transportation truck, to blast through the mayhem and deliver needed supplies to desperate towns. Your life depends on being the ultimate offensive driver while making sure to keep your truck in top operating and fighting condition. It’s kill or be killed in the world of Hard Truck Apocalypse.
It’s very similar to the Wing Commander: Privateer model of a golden path where you have an open world, horizontal gameplay, and character development with a game story waiting for you to follow it. There’s trading, truck upgrades, modular weapons, towns, factions, and an open world map to boot. The graphics are 2006-ish but if you’re looking for gameplay, you can look past that. The vehicles themselves are based around chassis that have stats but each chassis also has multiple front and back body components which different turret/upgrade/cargo slots. Not all weapon slots are 360 degrees which adds a positional element to combat.
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