The video game adaption of the acclaimed film of the same name. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is a follow-up to the well-received adaption of the first two films in the trilogy. The game expands on what The Two Towers accomplished, with the action and adventure sequel introducing three separate storylines from the movie: one following Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, as The Two Towers did, another following Gandalf, and a third following Frodo and Sam, with Merry, Pippin, and Faramir serving as unlockable characters.
Over twelve interactive environments authentically reproduced from the films. Explore the Paths of the Dead, defend Minas Truth, and battle Sauron’s forces at the Pelennor Fields before final confrontations at the Black Gate and the Crack of Doom. More than just a backdrop to the action, the game environments are interactive, letting players incorporate the various environments into their strategies for both melee and ranged combat. Characters will have the ability to jump and swing from ropes, fire catapults, kick boulders, etc.
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