Cursed into the body of a cat, XiangLi needs your kiss to break her curse! Well, she needs one of noble descent — a true prince. Only problem is that this “prince” has turned to running V-ber Eats to make rent and repay his student loans. Are you allergic to cats? Do you want to kiss a cat? Do you even like cats? Such questions can be cast aside with the wads of cash pulled out of her secretary’s pockets. Cat’s Kiss Free Download
Now in this once-lonely apartment, a cat(girl?) is roaming about. In the search to find a solution to her curse, the warm and chaotic life of living together is about to begin! Seems things may be starting to look up for our prince of fallen nobility. With numerous topics and interactions to pick from, get to know her better. Maybe you’ll learn something a bit more… intimate.
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