Uncertain of his sister’s fate, a boy enters LIMBO. I don’t know man maybe I am a bitter old man but after years of waiting and wanting to play this game and having it on my library I feel like I expected something different. The art style is good, and 12 years ago this was and still is considered a very good game but not for me. If you enjoy enviromental puzzles this is for you but I was somehow expecting like a dark adventure game.
I really really didi not liked the worms as in I have wasted most of my 30 years playing video games but the worms man, they completely broke the fun for me, maybe I get frustrated easily and it really really hurts to leave a bad review and being objective maybe I am just dumb as bricks but I think games need to be fun, and even though I enjoy hard games this is just plain frustrating.
The clever level design, atmospheric setting that raises up the tension, and minimalist creative artistry work created an enjoyable game experience.
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