The roots of TDR have been intertwined from the very beginning with the most important academic papers regarding motorcycle dynamics (eg. V. Cossalter). We worked really hard to understand the physics regarding motorcycles to be able to replicate it as accurately as possible in this project. This is not pulled out of the air: everything is validated by industrial simulation formulas, such as Magic Formula by Pacjecka, which we used as foundation to create our tire physical model. Our intention was to build a game that could give an experience as faithful to real life as it can be. We are fully committed to creating a game that could offer the maximum realism available, but that could also be enjoyed with a simple Joypad and without frustration. TDR surely isn’t an Arcade game, which means that you will make some mistakes.
A late braking, a wobble, an unwanted wheelie, one too much skid will ruin your lap. Thanks to a learning curve within anyone’s’ reach, the more you will race the more you will learn your limits and become a better rider with each lap. We surely want TDR to be the peak of the simulative experience, but also something to have lots of fun with! Tires have a dynamic wear, that are physically simulated through the patch of contact of the rubber on the asphalt. Through the track conditions and your riding style you can determine the tire performance.
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