In Earth Analog, a solo indie passion project, you take control of the exploration vessel Eurisko XI in a quest through deep space. Your goal: find your new home. In this story-rich space flight adventure, you must keep your ship in one piece while traveling through mysterious and often dangerous worlds. Apart from steering and landing your ship and exploring distant planetary systems you will also have to keep all the ship systems operational, which involves prospecting and mining for resources, upgrading ship systems, and fixing broken parts. Hunt for precious stones and artifacts to unlock new paths in your journey. And will you be able to control the mysterious Dimension Device? It’s all up to you, you are completely alone out there… or are you?
You start the game orbiting Proxima Centauri b, a conventional and familiar planet in some ways. But as you travel deeper into space you’ll discover ever so stranger worlds… can you survive in your “tin can”? For fans of Interstellar, 2001: A Space Odyssey. A vast universe to explore with both hand-crafted and procedural fractal-based planets and stars. An intriguing single-player adventure based on a story full of drama and plot twists. An atmospheric and Newtonian flight model. WARNING: Newtonian flight takes some practice to get used to! Solve each planet’s often dangerous mysteries. A full ray-tracing-based graphics engine bringing never-before-seen worlds to life.
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