Your landlord is knocking on your door. You have one coin left to your name. You insert the coin into your slot machine…and…JACKPOT! Luck be a Landlord, tonight! Roguelite gameplay – The symbols you can add to the slot machine are different every time! The fact that some items didn’t properly deal damage to the landlord when giving coins was honestly a programming oversight. Fixing this will make items act more consistently with how’d you expect them to. While this does make defeating the landlord easier on average, through testing I found it to not be too much of a difficulty decrease.
Lots of Symbols to add to your slot machine – Each symbol has different effects and interactions. Plenty of Items to choose from – The items are different every time as well, leading to interesting build strategies. A terrible landlord to defeat. A dog you can pet. Capitalism. Oil Can was probably the least popular Rare item. I always liked the idea of being able to re-spin a column, but it slowed down gameplay way too much while providing barely any effective value. By making the effect only happen every 5 spins and by doubling the re-spun symbols’ value, both of the major design flaws with this item are solved.
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