In No Plan B, every choice you make, however small, may decide the fate of your team. Assemble your squad. Work out the perfect plan. Watch it play out in real time. Pick your squad’s entry points and gear them up with the arsenal at your disposal. Choose from a list of firearms, armor and grenades – each with their pros and cons – to make sure your team has the right gear for the situation. But be wary: The arsenal doesn’t replenish between missions, so you must always think two steps ahead.
Study the 3D map carefully and use the innovative timeline system to move and synchronize your team. Coordinate your movements, grenades and room entries to take the enemy by surprise. One wrong move, one corner left unchecked, could be fatal to your mission – there’s no plan B Once you’re confident your plan is perfect, the time has come to execute your actions and press that play button. Watch your orders unfold, and get right into the middle of the action with the full-control camera.
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