Monsters in the yard. Monsters in the house. Monsters in the hall, beating on your door. Your brother’s trapped in his treehouse, so he’s not gonna be much help. You’re going to have to get yourself out of this. But where did they come from? How are you supposed to deal with this? Well, certainly not by cowering in your room. That’s for, uh, cowards. without the accompanying frustration. As fun and well-paced as you generously remember them being.
No dream-logic solutions, no hearing the same “those items don’t work together” message over and over. HIVESWAP has unique responses for everything you can try. Spend hours trying everything on everything, if you want to — but not because you have to. Learn about the characters by exploring their homes! But like, in a good way! No audio logs split up and scattered around — GUARANTEED.
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