Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures is an episodic video game series produced by Telltale Games. The game was released during the course of 2009 on the PC and Xbox 360. The game features Wallace and his faithful canine companion, Gromit in a series of completely new, interactive adventures and storylines. In “Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures”, players will play as both Wallace and Gromit as the duo embarks on a series of ambitious business ventures, and then scramble to pick up the scattered pieces when plans go awry.
Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees
Wallace has opened a new business, “From Bee to You” specializing in delivering freshly made honey to his customers. He takes up the offer to provide fifty gallons of honey in repayment to the local grocer after his electric cheese-detecting machine accidentally rampaged through the store on a test run.
Episode 2: The Last Resort
Using their profits from the honey business, Wallace prepares to take Gromit to Blackpool, but the weather both spoils their plans and creates a small flood in the cellar. Wallace comes up with the idea of converting the water-logged cellar into an indoor holiday resort for the rest of the townsfolk and seeks to keep them all happy, though Ms. Flitt’s two puppies raise much havoc.
Episode 3: Muzzled!
Shortly after the holiday season, a charity fair comes into town, run by Monty Muzzle, to raise money for a new dog shelter, the old one being destroyed in the storm last episode. After dealing with three strays in their home, Wallace and Gromit go to the fair with Wallace’s new invention to create any flavor of ice cream.
Episode 4: The Bogey Man
In order to defuse Ms. Flitt’s mistake, Gromit manages to make Wallace a member of the local country club, Prickly Thicket, which Ms. Flitt’s aunt loathes and soundly rejects her niece’s marriage to Wallace. The local constable, jealous that Wallace was admitted over him, uses an obscure bylaw to threaten the club with closure since it does not have a golf course–or rather it does, but members do not know where it is because the deed is missing, safely held in a security system designed by Wallace’s (apparent) ancestor, Goodman Witless (and his faithful dog Gimlet).
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